Model Walk in Confederate Park Jacksonville

The first model I EVER worked with was Amber. I was so new to the craft, and contacted her on Model Mayhem. I was so nervous to work with a professional model being such a newbie in the field. When Amber came into my makeshift home studio, I just fell in love with her from the start. We connected immediately and that shoot is still one of my favorites till this day. 

We have shot so many more since that first day, boudoir, underwater and fashion. This past January we hooked up again for yet another amazing time just walking around Confederate Park in Jacksonville Florida talking about anything and everything. 

Working with Amber is fluid. We move from one pose to the next, anticipating what the other is thinking. She brought me to this park, knowing I would just adore the scenery. I left behind the posing I normally have to instruct, and just shot Amber dancing freely.